It's one of the hardest jobs in the world as well as the most powerful and as of 2025, 45 men have done it (no women yet)—some a whole lot better than others.
They say you should learn something new every day. Here are some amazing facts about the Cold War that most people don't know—how many new things will you learn today?
Football is the biggest sport in America. It dominates the conversation and the ratings, and we love it. But how much do you know about the sport and its history? Well, see how many of these 20 NFL questions you can answer correctly.
When it comes to empires, one of the most famous is probably the British Empire—which lasted from 1583 to 1997. And while 414 years might seem like a long time—when it comes to empires, it's merely a drop in the bucket. The British Empire didn't last long enough to make our top 40. But these did...
Infomercial and "As Seen On TV" products get a bad rap because, well....lot's of them suck. But, guess what. Some of them don't. In fact, some of them are actually totally awesome and, not only do we want to own them—we wish we'd invented them.
What makes a great quarterback? Let's count down the best to ever play the position and you can tell us how right—or wrong—or right—we are.
It's called "gray divorce" and it's slowly becoming a phenomenon as more and more couples in their 60s, who've been together for decades, call it quits and call a divorce lawyer—With the women often initiating said call. So, why is this happening?
To be a dog person, or not to be a dog person? That is the question. The answer is "be a dog person"—and these are 30 reasons why.
Age might just be a number and 50 may be the new 40—but there are still some things we all need to stop doing once we hit that half-century milestone.
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